




Nepalese army 'sacks lesbian'
Charles Haviland BBC News カトマンズ

A gay rights group in Nepal has accused the army of expelling a woman officer for being a lesbian.

解雇に抗議するその女性の訴えは、軍裁判所により退けられた。しかし、軍のスポークスマンは、フィジカル・トレーニングの指導官であったバクティ・シャハは、軍の規律を乱した(violating army discipline)かどで罰せられたのであり、同性愛者であるためではない、と語っている。
The woman's appeal against her sacking has been rejected by an army court.
However a military spokesman said that Bahkti Shah, a physical training instructor, was punished for violating army discipline and not for being gay.

Most Nepalis are very traditional and find homosexuality beyond comprehension but a court ruling last year enshrined the rights of sexual minorities.

身を隠して Underground

シャハさんは、性的少数者の権利を訴えるthe Blue Diamond Societyを含む2つの活動組織に支えられ、軍の特別裁判所に告訴した。BDSのリーダー、スニル・パントは、彼女が認められていない性的関係(an illicit sexual relationship)を持ったといういわれのない罪で除隊されたと語る。
Ms Shah, who was based at a barracks near the capital, Kathmandu, was one of two women expelled from the military after being kept in army detention for several weeks.
Ms Shah filed an appeal at the army's special court supported by two activist organisations, including the Blue Diamond Society which campaigns for the rights of sexual minorities.
Its head, Sunil Panta, said she had been sacked on a false charge of having an illicit sexual relationship.

しかし、軍のスポークスマン、Ramindra Chetri准将はBBCに、シャハさんはレズビアンであること(lesbianism)のために除隊されたのではなく、2つの別件?軍の規律(military discipline)と行動規範(the army's code of conduct)を乱したこと、そして自分のために士官候補生達から金を集めていたことによってである、と語った。
However, army spokesman Brig Gen Ramindra Chetri told the BBC Ms Shah had not been expelled for lesbianism but for two other things - violating military discipline and the army's code of conduct, and collecting money from cadets for her personal benefit.
He refused to elaborate but did say that army instructors should not go to out-of-bounds areas including cadets' barracks.
A special army court has now dismissed Bahkti Shah's appeal against her sacking.
The other woman did not appeal and has gone underground.

On paper at least the rights of sexual minorities have recently advanced in Nepal more rapidly than in other South Asian countries.
In December the supreme court instructed the government to change laws in order to safeguard the rights of all such minorities.
The Maoist former rebel party said in its election manifesto this year that the state should pay special attention to such minorities' problems and in April, Sunil Panta of the Blue Diamond society, who is openly gay, became an elected member of Nepal's new assembly.