The Camden Principles on Freedom of Expression and Equality April 2009

世界人権宣言第19条「表現の自由」を守り検閲に抵抗するために1987年に設立されたARTICLE 19: Global Campaign for Free Expression

この組織が、2009年春にCamden Principles on Freedom of Expression and Equalityという表現の自由に関する原則を発表している。
Camden Principles on freedom of expression and Equality - ARTICLE 19
ARTICLE 19は、今年の国際反ホモフォビアの日に際し、性的指向性自認表現の自由を支援する声明を発表している。
Defending the Right to Express Sexual and Gender Identity - Freedom of Criticising and Human Rights
Camden Principlesは、全4章12条。

Camden Principles解説

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These Principles were prepared by ARTICLE 19 on the basis of discussions involving a group of high-level UN and other experts, and civil society and academic experts in international human rights law on freedom of expression and equality issues at meetings held in London on 11 December 2008 and 23-24 February 2009. The Principles represent a progressive interpretation of international law and standards, accepted State practice (as reflected Inter alia, in national laws and the judgements of national courts), and the general principles of law recognised by the community of nations.

The development of these Principles was motivated by a desire to promote greater consensus globally about the proper relationship between respect for freedom of expression and the promotion of equality. While tensions can arise between competing visions of these rights, focus grobally has been disproportionately on these potential tensions rather than the far more important positive relationship between them. Futhermore, international law provides a basis for resolving the tensions, as outlined in these Principles.

We call on individuals and organisations around the world to endorse these Principles with a view to providing authority and support to them. We also call on decision-makers, as well as advocates, to take steps to give effect to these Principles at all levels.


Introductory Statement 序文
Principles 原則
I. Legal protection for equality and freedom of expression
第1章 平等と表現の自由の法的な保護
Principle 1: Ratification of incorporation of human rights law
Principle 2: Legal framework for the protection of the right to freedom of expression
Principle 3: Legal framework for the protection of the right to equality
Principle 4: Access to remedies

II. The right to be heard and the right to speak
第2章 発言を聞かれる権利、発言する権利
Principle 5: A public policy framework for pluralism and equality
Principle 6: Role of the mass media
Principle 7: Right of correction and reply

III.Promoting intercultural understanding
第3章 異文化理解の促進
Principle 8 :State responsibilities
Principle 9: Media responsibilities
Principle 10: Other actors

IV.Freedom of expression and harmful speech
第4章 表現の自由と他を害する発言
Principle 11: Restrictions
Principle 12: Incitement to hatred

Appendix A 補遺A

IV. Freedom of expression and harmful speech 表現の自由と他を害する発言

Principle 11: Restrictions 規制

11.1. 国家は、表現の自由に、原則3.2で述べられた基準を満たさないような、いかなる規制も課してはならない。そして、他の人の権利や名誉、国家の安全、公的秩序、公衆衛生や道徳を守り、民主主義的な社会においてこれらの利益を守るために必要がある場合に、特別に表現の自由に対する規制を法で行うべきである(注2)。これは、様々な事柄の中でもとりわけ、次のことを意味している:
11.1. States should not impose any restrictions on freedom of expression that are not in accordance with the standards set out in Principle 3.2 and, in particular, restrictions should be provided by law, serve to protect the rights or reputations of others, national security or public order, or public health or morals, and be necessary in a democratic society to protect these interests(*2). This implies, among other things, that restrictions:

i 規制の条件は、明白かつ厳密に定義され、社会の緊急の要請に応じたものである。
i Are clearly and narrowly defined and respond to a pressing social need.
ii 規制の条件は、他に効果的な手段がないという意味で可能な、介入を最小限に留めた手段であり、なお表現の自由を制限することは決してない。
ii. Are the least intrusive measure available, in the sense that there is no other measure which would be effective and yet less restrictive of freedom of expression.
iii 規制の条件は過度に広範であってはならない。つまり、広く、無差別な方法で言論を制限したり、有害な言論の範囲を超え、認めうる言論をも妨げるものであってはならない。
iii. Are not overbroad, in the sense that they do not restrict speech in a wide or untargeted way, or go beyond the scope of harmful speech and rule out legitimate speech.
iv 規制の条件は、守られる利益が表現の自由の侵害を越えて大きい場合に見合ったものでなければならない。それにより正当化される検閲についても同様である。
iv. Are proportionate in the sense that the benefit to the protected interest outweighs the harm to freedom of expression, including in respect to the sanctions they authorise.
(注2)これはInternational Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.の19条(3)に基づく。
(*2) This is based on Article 19(3) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

11.2. 国家は、その法的枠組みを再検討し、表現の自由に対するいかなる制限も上記の基準に従って行われることを保証すべきである。
11.2. States should review their legal framework to ensure that any restrictions on freedom of expression conform to the above.

原則12 憎悪を煽る行為 Principle 12: Incitement to hatred

12.1 すべての国家は、差別、敵意、暴力(ヘイト・スピーチ)を煽る行為をなす民族的、人種的、宗教的な憎悪を擁護する行為を禁じる法を採択すべきである。
12.1. All States should adopt legislation prohibiting any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence (hate speech).
(*3) National legal systems should make it clear, either explicitly or through authoritative interpretation, that:

i 「憎悪(hatred)」「敵意(hostility)」という語は、標的とされた集団への非難・敵意・憎悪の激しく非合理的な感情を表す。
i. The term "hatred" and "hostility" refer to intense and irrational emotions of opprobrium, enmity and detestation towards the target group.
ii 「推進(advocacy)」という語は、標的とされた集団への公然の憎悪を意図して促進することとして理解されるべきである。
ii. The term "advocacy" to be understood as requiring an intention to promote hatred publicly towards the target group.
iii. The term "incitement" refers to statements about national, racial or religious groups which create an imminent risk of discrimination, hostility or violence against persons belonging to those groups.
iv. The promotion, by different communities, of a positive sense of group identity does not constitute hate speech.

12.2. States should prohibit the condoning or denying of crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, but only where such statements constitute hate speech as defined by Principle 12.1.

12.3. States should not prohibit criticism directed at, or debate about, particular ideas, beliefs or ideologies, or religions or religious institutions, unless such expression constitutes hate speech as defined by Principle 12.1.

12.4. States should ensure that persons who have suffered actual damages as a result of hate speech defined by Principle 12.1 have a right to an effective remedy, including a civil remedy for damages.

12.5. States should review their legal framework to ensure that any hate speech regulations conform to the above.
(*3) This is based on Article 20(2) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.